God you are so awesome! I am so sorry for not recognizing that more and acting accordingly! You have done so much for me! Thank you for always being there for me! For being faithful when I am faithless! Thank you for your word so we can learn who you are and how we should live! Consume me with a desire for you! A hunger for your word! There is SO much to learn and I WANT to learn it! I want to grow in my knowledge of you! I want to become more like you!
God I want your fullness, your presence! I selfishly want you to do something crazy awesome through me or in me!
Thank you for these people God! Thank you for their willingness and desire to pray over me and each other. It is amazing and such a powerful experience! Thank you for it! Thank you for breaking me out of my shell, for giving me new boldness and taking away my fears! Thank you for who you are!
Reveal all that you have for me! Speak through me, use me! I want to play my small part in your incredible drama! I want to be free of all guilt and shame and pain. I want to let it all go and let nothing hold me back from the plans you have for me. I want to be completely open to you! Free from all bondage and embracing all truth! Continue to break me down so you can build me up into the woman you desire me to be! I know that you are in control and you will work every single circumstance in my life for something greater-even if I cannot see it now or never really see it in this life. I want to be a light in the darkness. I want the fullness of the power you have for me, the fullness of your presence. Let NOTHING stand in my way!
Fill me. Give me revelations. Awaken gifts in me! I want to see you work in crazy ways! I want a crazy fire, an inexpressible joy, a freedom in you! And I want to take all of this with me as I return home and return to school. Let me not forget all the things that are of you!
Thank you for the boldness you have given me. Thank you for who you are! I just love you! Thank you for changing me and growing me in you. Continue to transform my life and mold me into who you desire for me to become. You are amazing! I am only who I am because of you and your grace!
I want to worship you for who you are, not with an agenda. How dare I ask you for me than you have already given? Is your Son not enough? Is eternal life with you not enough? Are you not enough? But you are! You are all that I need. You are my heart's desire! When I pray and ask for the desires of my heart, I receive them because I receive more of YOU!!! I desire to fall more and more in love with you!
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