"Therefore let us be grateful for receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, and thus let us offer to God acceptable worship, with reverence and awe, for our God is a consuming fire." (Hebrews 12:28-29)
I think when we stop looking at Christianity as being something that we deserve, something that God "owes" us, we'll start to see how mind-blowingly awesome Christ is! We don't deserve heaven. John Piper said, "There was no redemptive plan for the fallen angels. There did not have to be one for us either. Tremble with thankfulness." Many of us have never stopped to think about that fact that the very idea that we are offered the gift of salvation is crazy! We did absolutely nothing to deserve it! In fact, every single day we do things that should really take us out of the running for ever getting a chance at heaven! But how AMAZING is it that we are not what we've done. We are not defined by our mistakes, our struggles, our pain, our fears...we are defined by what Christ has done for us! He took every single mistake, however big or small (because even a white lie or a wrong thought condemns us in the judgement of a perfect, holy God), we made and would ever make and bore the punishment for us! He was brutally tortured and killed and more importantly, separated from His father for the first time in all of eternity, so that we could be forgiven and be with Him forever! So that we could have a chance at salvation!
So many people want to become Christians so that they can go to heaven or, more accurately, not go to hell. But honestly, we should be falling on our faces worshipping Christ even if we weren't given heaven in the end! Because He is STILL amazing! He is still the flipping creator of the universe who made all of us and allows to live each day! The fact that we also get to spend eternity with Him is just beyond awesome! So do we worship Him for His glory, because HE is worthy? Or because we think it benefits us?
Thanks so much for sharing this, Cat! I am in awe that God would give me a daughter who so gets the deep truths of who Jesus is, and who loves Him so much! How humbling to be loved by Him!